Inter-professional Learning


Goal of the working group interprofessional learning (IPL) is to rise the IPL competences by sharing information, knowledge, skills of IPL education.
Together we have and share good practice. In order to do so, the working group will combine different models to a practical guideline in which educational aspects in becoming an interprofessional identity are ordered.

This ordering will function as a mean to label/tag documents of all kinds and expertise from different fields in a platform. This platform will be available on the ENPHE website, ready to share.


  • Marleen Hazeveld – Hanze UAS
  • Marietta Handgraaf – hsg UAS
  • Desiree de Greef – Rotterdam UAS
  • Anita Kidritsch, Austria
  • Desiree de Greef, the Netherlands
  • Tijmen Koet, the Netherlands

Additional Information

This group is facilitated by Marietta Handgraaf ( HSG UAS, Bochum, Germany).